This list is one of our bestselling lists for business to business telemarketing and mailing. We have over 27 million phone verified US businesses in this updated database. Contacting these businesses offers endless opportunities. These companies are excellent prospect for credit card companies, merchant card processors, on line services, political campaigns, catalog companies and much, much more.
Compiled from telephone directories yellow pages and business white pages, annual business reports, 10-Kâs & other SEC information; federal, state and municipal government data, government directories and reports, business magazines, newsletters, financial and company publications.
Our business database includes business name and phone number, complete address, key executive name, employee size and estimated annual sales volume. Any of the above selects may be added.
This file is continually updated and NCOA corrected.
Call today and speak to one of our trained list salespeople about getting a quality business Telemarketing or Mailing List at Wholesale Pricing.